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Grade 3 Tap

Resources to help you practice at home

As the graded music is not available on streaming services we have created an online bank of them for you to access and practice at home. 


Use the music player below to play the tracks to help you practice at home.



1. Grade 3 Tap - Warm Up
2. Grade 3 Tap - Elevated Pick Up Prep
3. Grade 3 Tap - Wing Work Out
4. Grade 3 Tap - Swinging Jazz Lines
5. Grade 3 Tap - Rhythm and Tap
6. Grade 3 Tap - Turning Time
7. Grade 3 Tap - Riffs in Rhythm
8. Grade 3 Tap - Pick Up Jive
9. Grade 3 Tap - Double Time Steps and Break
10. Grade 3 Tap - First Amalgamation
11. Grade 3 Tap - Second Amalgamation
12. Grade 3 Tap -Dance
13. Grade 3 Tap - Choreographed Bow
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